FINAL DAYS to renew your 2025/2026 APC. Apply by Thursday 27 March to make sure there's time for everyone to get through the process.



About us

The Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand is one of eighteen New Zealand health responsible authorities appointed by the Minister of Health under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the Act).  The Council is responsible for the administration of the Act in regards to two separate health professions - the profession of medical laboratory science and the profession of anaesthetic technology.

Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora o Aotearoa ko tenei tetahi hononga mahi mai te tekau mā waru o rātou o te hauora waeture tikanga na te   Minita o te Hauora i whakarite me whai atu  raro i te Matanga Hauora Maramatanga  kia taurangi  tōhu 2003 (te tōhu). Ko tā te   Kaunihera he whakamana i ngā kaupapa mahi mo te tōhu i waenganui i ngā momo rereketanga o ngā Matanga Hauora Akonga-Akonga mo ngā mātai tawhanga pūtaiao me ngā whakahiamoe hangarau Iraruke.