FINAL DAYS to renew your 2025/2026 APC. Apply by Thursday 27 March to make sure there's time for everyone to get through the process.



Internationally Qualified - How to Register

Holders of an overseas medical laboratory science or anaesthetic technology qualification can apply for registration with the Medical Sciences Council.

Your qualifications and experience will be assessed to determine if they are equivalent or satisfactory compared to an approved New Zealand qualification for that scope of practice.

For more information about working in New Zealand as a medical laboratory science practitioner or anaesthetic technician please visit Make a difference somewhere different | Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand | Health New Zealand

Please note - you must provide a duly completed application form, along with fee payment, before the Medical Sciences Council will consider your application.

A completed overseas trained application may include any number of the following documents:

  • Certified copy of your qualification certificate(s)
  • Two certificates of standing and experience (personal and professional)
  • Evidence of name change
  • A criminal conviction notice that is no more than six months old from each country you have lived and worked in for more than 12 months.
  • Official academic transcript
  • Academic syllabus (curriculum)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Thesis/Dissertation
  • Passport ID page (containing your passport photo, your full name, date of birth, signature, etc).
  • Clinical logbook
  • Evidence of registration and certificate of good standing from each registration authority you are registered with overseas
  • Certificate of employment
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi and Healthcare module certificate
  • Evidence of meeting the English language requirements (e.g. IELTS exam results)

These documents are a legal requirement and provision of them is non-negotiable.