FINAL DAYS to renew your 2025/2026 APC. Apply by Thursday 27 March to make sure there's time for everyone to get through the process.



Raising a concern - what you need to know

Before contacting the Council

As a member of the public, employer, colleague or health practitioner, you may become concerned about a medical laboratory science practitioner or anaesthetic technician’s competence or conduct. Before referring the matter to the Council, it is worth considering the following:

  • Have you discussed your concerns with the practitioner?
  • Was it a one-off incident, or is a pattern emerging? ie failed to check a patient’s ID on multiple occasions.
  • Was it a minor incident or a serious departure from accepted medical practise? If it was a departure, did the practitioner have an acceptable explanation?
  • Has there been a recent change in their behaviour or ability? If so, a health issue could be affecting their performance.

Concern and Complaint categories

Concerns and complaints about practitioners fall into one of three categories:

  • Competence – is there an education/training gap?
  • Conduct – has there been a breach of professionalism, safe practice, or misconduct?
  • Health – is there a physical or mental health issue preventing the practitioner from being competent?

When making a complaint, it is important to note that

  • Your complaint must be made in writing.
  • The Council is unable to accept anonymous complaints.
  • A copy of your complaint will be sent to the practitioner concerned, and they will have the right to reply. This ensures the Council acts in accordance with the principles of natural justice and fulfils our obligations under the Privacy Act 2020.
  • There is an obligation to make a complaint if the practitioner’s alleged conduct involves public safety.

*Raising a concern is also referred to as ‘notification(s)’ and/or complaint.

To get in touch please email