FINAL DAYS to renew your 2025/2026 APC. Apply by Thursday 27 March to make sure there's time for everyone to get through the process.



Accreditation Standards Anaesthetic Technician

The purpose of accreditation

The accreditation review focuses on achieving objectives, maintaining academic standards, public safety requirements, and sound inputs and outcomes rather than on detailed specification of curriculum content.

When an accreditation assessment is required

An accreditation assessment is required in the following circumstances: 

  • The hospital has never employed trainee anaesthetic technicians nor undergone an accreditation assessment by the Council
  • The hospital has previously been accredited by the Council but has not employed trainees or provided a clinical training programme for more than 2-years

For each new accreditation or re-assessment accreditation, the provider is required to submit:

  • A report in conjunction with the Council’s six categories of accreditation (or 4 for training hospitals)
  • Supporting documentation

If a site visit is required, a Council-approved panel (including members of the profession) will arrange a time to view your facilities and interview key staff and students/trainees as part of the accreditation process.

Accreditation Decisions

The Council does not accredit a training hospital for a set period, however, each hospital is subject to ongoing monitoring by the Council. A training hospital remains accredited only if the Council continues to be satisfied that both the clinical training programme and the hospital meet the accreditation standards. If, during the monitoring process, it is found that the standards are no longer being met, the Council may impose conditions or revoke the accreditation of a training hospital.

Current accredited programmes

Auckland University of Technology:

  • Diploma in Applied Sciences (Anaesthetic Technology); and
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Sciences (Anaesthetic Technology)
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Perioperative Practice)