It’s APC season (14 Feb -31 March). As you can imagine we're dealing with large volumes of applications and working as fast as we can. Please give us at least five working days to deal with your emails. For more information and FAQs search ‘APC’.



Aotearoa NZ Graduate - How to Register

New Zealand graduates who have obtained their qualification from an accredited education programme in medical laboratory science or anaesthetic technology can apply for registration with the Medical Sciences Council.

Please note - you must provide a duly completed application form, along with fee payment, before the Medical Sciences Council will consider your application.

A completed New Zealand trained application may include any number of the following documents:

  • Certified copy of your qualification certificate(s)
  • Two certificates of standing and experience (personal and professional)
  • Evidence of name change
  • A criminal conviction notice that is no more than six months old issued by the Ministry of Justice.
  • A criminal conviction notice that is no more than six months old from each country you have lived and worked in for more than 12 months.
  • Official academic transcript
  • Academic syllabus (curriculum)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Thesis/Dissertation
  • Passport ID page (containing your passport photo, your full name, date of birth, signature, etc).

These documents are a legal requirement and provision of them is non-negotiable.