It’s APC season (14 Feb -31 March). As you can imagine we're dealing with large volumes of applications and working as fast as we can. Please give us at least five working days to deal with your emails. For more information and FAQs search ‘APC’.



Aotearoa NZ Graduate: Fitness to Practise

Requirements for Fitness for Registration in New Zealand

When applying for registration, you must demonstrate to the Council that you are a fit person to practise in the profession of medical laboratory science or anaesthetic technology.

Section 16 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 provides that you may not be registered to practise in New Zealand if you: 

  • do not satisfy us that you can communicate effectively
  • do not satisfy us that you can speak and understand English well enough to protect the health and safety of the public.
  • have been convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of three months or longer, and that reflects adversely on your fitness to practise
  • have a mental or physical condition that prevents you from performing the functions required for the practice of your profession
  • face professional disciplinary proceedings that reflect adversely on your fitness to practise
  • are being investigated about a matter that may be the subject of professional disciplinary proceedings, and that investigation reflects adversely on your fitness to practise; and
  • are subject to an order of a professional disciplinary tribunal, an educational institution or an authority or a similar body that reflects your fitness to practise.
  • or the Council has reason to believe that you may endanger the health and safety of the public.

If you have been convicted as outlined above, you must be able to satisfy the Council that the offence does not reflect adversely on your fitness to practise in the profession of medical laboratory science or anaesthetic technology.