FINAL DAYS to renew your 2025/2026 APC. Apply by Thursday 27 March to make sure there's time for everyone to get through the process.



Standards for CPD Providers

For a CPD programme to be recognised by the Medical Sciences Council (the Council), the programme provider must be New Zealand based and apply to the Council for an accreditation assessment. There will be no cost for the initial application. However, providers who are accredited with conditions may be asked to meet any additional costs the Council incurs in monitoring compliance with the imposed conditions.

The Council does not accredit a CPD programme for a set period, however programme provider is subject to an ongoing programme of monitoring by the Council. A programme remains accredited only if the Council continues to be satisfied that both the CPD programme and the provider meet the accreditation standards. If, during the monitoring process, it is found that the standards are no longer being met, the Council may impose conditions or revoke accreditation of a CPD programme. A decision to decline or revoke accreditation of a CPD programme is taken very seriously and would only be a last-resort option. The Council will take all necessary steps to work with a CPD programme provider to enable them to address identified deficits within agreed timeframes.

Accredited CPD providers for Medical Laboratory Science Practitioners

  • New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (NZIMLS)
  • Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Inc (AACB)
  • New Zealand Hospital Scientific Officer’s Association Inc
  • Asia Pacific HealthCare Group