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Anaesthetic Technician Scope of Practice Review (including supervision policy and competence standards)

23 Jan, 2025

Publication of the Anaesthetic Technician Scope of Practice – results of the recent review, revised competence standards and the Recertification Programme (Supervision) for New Graduate Anaesthetic Technicians - represents the culmination of several years’ work by the Medical Sciences Council – with input from practitioners and stakeholders. Like all other health professions, the practice of anaesthetic technology continues to evolve to effectively meet the needs of those receiving services.

In 2022, building on changes that were already occurring within the sector, the Council began a review of the scope of practice and competence standards to ensure they remain fit for purpose, and that practitioners are equipped to respond to an ever-changing healthcare practice environment.

The practise of anaesthetic technology does not occur in isolation, which is why we have engaged at many levels with practitioners and other stakeholders on this review. This included discussions with:

  • Ministry of Health ǀ Manatū Hauroa
  • Health New Zealand ǀ Te Whatu Ora
  • practitioner membership groups (both anaesthetic technicians and other related professions)
  • practitioner unions (both anaesthetic technicians and other related professions)
  • professional colleges
  • Te Ama Tōtika (Māori practitioner advisory group)
  • education providers
  • employers
  • other responsible authorities
  • individual anaesthetic technicians and subject matter experts
  • an expert advisory group.

We publicly consulted on the proposed scope of practice changes – including the supervision policy and the competence standards. These took place –

We acknowledge the time taken by many people, and organisations, to engage and provide feedback on this work. We also thank practitioners for their patience as the challenges in updating the scope have been navigated.

The following standards and policies have now published and can be accessed via the links below: