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Consultation - Review of the Anaesthetic Technician Scope of Practice (Closed)

20 Jul, 2023

This consultation is now closed. 

The Medical Sciences Council is undertaking a review of the Anaesthetic Technology scope of practice. 

The Medical Sciences Council’s current gazetted definition of the practice of Anaesthetic Technology has served the profession and the public well. 

Anaesthetic Technicians are a crucial part of the health workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand. As registered health professionals under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the Council must ensure it regularly reviews the scope of practice as it is vital to ensure the profession’s regulation remains fit for purpose and that practitioners are equipped to respond to an ever-changing healthcare practice environment.

The proposal to reframe the scope is about ensuring practice can be responsive. It is designed to enable flexibility for the workforce and should streamline the ability for practitioners to work across various perioperative areas and their adjuncts. The proposal has been developed after discussion with various stakeholder groups.

The Council invites you to read and consider our proposed scope of practice document Consultation: Review of the Scope of Practice for Anaesthetic Technology Practitioners and associated documents. The Council held two webinars on Wednesday 2 August 2023 and these slides can be found below. 

Please share your feedback with us by responding to the consultation survey. The Council looks forward to hearing from you.

The consultation closes on Thursday 14 September 2023

The associated consultation documents are:

Consultation: Review of the Scope of Practice for Anaesthetic Technology Practitioners (Updated August 2023)

Consultation: Review of the Scope of Practice for Anaesthetic Technology Practitioners (Text Only) (Updated August 2023)

Revised Definitions for the Practice of Perioperative Practice (Proposed Gazette Notice)

Frequently Asked Questions   (Updated September 2023)

Consultation Survey

Webinar Slides